Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Hi amigos,                                                                                                                                                                          Me back with a strange but known topic well every one don't believe in spirits but i do believe in spirits . I don't say that there ghosts but i will say that there are spirits . If  you believe in science thats good but do you some sciences believe in spirits!! If you believe in god then you must believe in spirits.

                In our ancient scripture i.e in Hindu Vedas and many ancient scripts it was written that a person  who dies unwilling death will become a spirit . This is very much true we always heard of spirits in old houses or in the houses where some one has done suicide . Ones go into such places you feel very dizzy and cool and very sick . Scientifically it was proved spirits lie in U.V ray and X-ray medium and these are the symptoms we have if we go into  these mediums. As they lie in such  medium we cant see them only animals i.e cats and  dogs can see them.

               You know after death of Abe Lincoln his spirit was seen in white house many times. I read this in a book .  After panipat war many Akbar's forces heard strange noises like war when they went there to see there was no army but that noise was coming from air strange!! right!! 

              Even we can find segregant spirits. Once a woman called Rani slapped her son pulled his ear and locked him in a cupboard as he was not poor in studies suddenly her husband called her in a hurry she forgot to tell her maid to unlock her son from cupboard . After some she opened the cupboard with trembling hands and found her son dead. She too died in sorrow after her sons death. When her sister visited her funeral along with her children every one were shocked as they heard a low mourning cry.Even after that funeral if any body came to that house with children they used to hear a low mourning cry. This made the family people were devastated and attempted to sell the house but the attempt become failure and even they tried to rebuilt the house but in vain . Now you may guess what that paranormal thing was. It was a real incident happened in Utter Pradesh.

          Even we hear about spirits of lovers and children which don't leave there loved places , things and persons . But one thing is true spirits cant  kill any person and they even cant harm them. There are just like air . If we use EVP'S  in haunted places we can communicate with them and can hear what there are trying to say. 

         Sometimes when you are alone in house you feel scared and alone but sometimes when you are alone in the house you feel secured that means something around you which you cant see was guarding you. Observe when Sometimes when some bad thing is going to happen  your pet dog or cat makes loud sad sounds. I'm  telling it from personal experience . I saw many children who see there mother,father,grandpa,grandma who were dead . Everyone has same reason and answer. I used to be one of them too but truth is that who experienced them believe it and who did not experienced it don't believe it. 

        Right or wrong. Believe or not.  There is some force some special kind which is around us telling  us something and may be ....................................WATCHING OVER US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


beanizer_05 said...

i haven't seen a ghost or a lost soul..but i do believe. My other siblings and friends have experienced them..but not me..yet i am really pe on such matter..
What you said is true. They don't harm. They even protect us. There was one instance, we transferred to a new house..a night after I dreamt of my granma(who passed away when i was young), in that dream i knew well she's aready dead..she was there with us in our new house..i told my mom about it, and she smiled,,we should be glad.she's watching over us. I knew she is. 'Coz she's in my heart.

The Great Brown Experiment said...

I shouldn't have readd this at this time in the night/morning! LOL But you're site is addictive. I've been reading all the stories and it's rather fun. Way to go!

sudhi said...
