Sunday, April 25, 2010

STRANGE CREATURES (always an uncompleted stories)

Hi amigos,
    Me back with a strange topic again !!!!!!!!!!!!!! well we hear about strange creatures in fairy tales,novels, stories but what do you think guys can they be true????????

    Dragons can they be true???? or else are they just an imaginary creatures???? well in 217 BC (at the time of Trojan war )Agamemnon used to have a blue baby dragon which was probably killed by the Trojan.... Now  this is strange it clearly shows that dragons existed....If  we go deep in this matter it shows that Greece was the place where dragons existed later in 600BC they migrated to china and India .... In our Vedas Asura and naga these creatures were described which are similar to dragons......Now with   many evidences how can we say that these are imaginary????? But if they are real why there is no material evidences found????? Now that really makes it a incomplete story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Vampires are one of the strange creatures hmmmm....studying these stories and concluding them its very difficult... few stories i can share with you guys which really made me think that there may be vampires.....
In China, Greece, Russia vampires were said to be witches who used to suck human blood....Many of their ancient stories were regarded describing them...Coming to  India scripture vampires were been described in prominent stories like  kathasaritsagraa tells of King Vikramaditya  and his nightly quests to capture an elusive one( vampire)  Pisacha, the returned spirits of evil-doers or those who died insane, also bear vampiric attributes.  Well these purana grandha may be telling truth or may not be....
         Well vampires became a prominent story in Europe after 16 century AD.... Vampire bats in Peru and many many vampire sagas hmmmm......many ancient stories about them clearly depicting something ...... may be there   may be a tribe like vampires or may be a different undiscovered species ....... but only writings cannot be the medium so still there must be a strong evidence by which we can prove them real..... but how can we find that evidence and what is the way we have to choice to start ..... there are millions of millions stories about them well that really make this topic an incomplete one which still under hold..........
 well now an another interesting topic......


  A decayed human skeleton claimed by eyewitnesses to measure around 3.28 meters (10 feet 9 inches tall), was unearthed by laborers while plowing a vineyard in November 1856 in East Wheeling now in west Virginia...    

A human skeleton measuring 3.6 meters (12 feet) tall was unearthed at Lompock Rancho, California, in 1833 by soldiers digging in a pit for a powder magazine. The specimen had a double row of teeth and was surrounded by numerous stone axes, carved shells and porphyry blocks with abstruse symbols associated with it.

The skull of a youth 7 feet tall, and the partial limb bones of a man estimated at over 11 feet tall were unearthed in 1890 at the Bronze Age cemetery of Castelnau-le-lez, France and published in the science journal La Nature and subsequently reported in the New York Times in 1892

A 9' 8" (2.95 meters) skeleton was excavated from a mound near Brewersville, Indiana,1879 (Indianapolis News, November 10, 1975).

Now what these can be????? human became busy now a days enjoying his benifits he is happy leaving history hmmmmm........ these creatures may be exist may be at a neverland where no human comes or occupy... They may be hiding them self  or they may be planning something????? does our future linked with them????? Can they be real????? if not why these partial evidences ????? hmmmm..... what ever these may be one thing is for sure if they are real they are not going to hide from us any longer ........ Unsolved truth will be solved someday......


Unknown said...

yes some topics are really are mysterious but without proof's and evidences we couldn't say anything.nice topic!!!!

Anonymous said...

dragons - the fire drakes are fascinating ,well world never knew about dinosauras until there remains were found and exhibited to world . may be remains of dragons are lying there some where to be exhumed

vamps- i like twilight saga .so even if there is no physical truth related to them i dont give a damn

giants -
infact lot many such skeletons were discovered in india as well - LEMURIANS are mythical species that were GIANTS and probably were aliens who came to earth ,were extremely powerful and advanced technologically !!! and now i can say how those massive egyption pyramids or stone hedge or all those ancient ,seemingly impossible structures were raised !!!!

sudhi said...

@ravie thanks for agreeing wit me!!!!

@gurpreet : thanx yaar for giving more such evidences... i knw abt Egyptians,pyramids nd giant stories n India lol!!! wrote abt tht in 1 of my old posts!!!!!!!

beybi said...

maybe we are taller in the ancient times..wish i am taller though..just 2 more inches huhuuh

sudhi said...

lol may be we were tall!!!!